3D Scanner- Design & Development As part of the final year project, designed and developed a cost-effective 3D scanner capable of producing high-quality three-dimensional models of medium-sized objects. An open-source software ‘FreeLss’ was used to allow the...
[Award winning design] $50 toilet to curb diarrhea in Pakistan This was part of a nation-wide competition organized by Reckitt Benckiser in which teams had to come up with an idea to curb diarrhea in rural parts of the country. Over 200 teams from the top universities...
Design of Novel P-drivable 1DOF mechanisms This research was presented at ASME’s IDETC 2023 Conference where it was awarded the A.T.Yang Memorial Award- given to the best paper on theoretical kinematics out of 200+ papers. The paper has also been invited to be...
Solar Powered Themoelectric System Designed a solar-powered thermoelectric system to meet the cooling requirements of residential houses within the university campus. An in-depth analysis was also performed which not only considered the feasibility of implementation...
Earthquake Forecasting System Developed and tested the feasibility and accuracy of a system of sensors that could potentially be used to provide early warning of an earthquake. The pressure waves, which are the first type of waves to be produced, travel faster than...