Stewart Platform -Design, Analysis, Modeling and Simulation

Stewart Platform -Design, Analysis, Modeling and Simulation Developed equations to calculate the system parameters (leg lengths), followed by performing inverse kinematics to make the platform move in the desired motion. The code was written in MATLAB. The Stewart...

Tuned mass damper (TMD) -Design, Analysis, Modeling and Simulation

Tuned mass damper (TMD) -Design, Analysis, Modeling and Simulation The TMD was modeled, simulated, and analyzed to see its effectiveness in reducing the vibrations of tall structures due to strong winds or earthquakes. The spatial pendulum with a diameter of 5.2 m was...

Active Control of Structural Vibration Using Proof Mass Actuators

Active Control of Structural Vibration Using Proof Mass Actuators Designed an active damping system in Simulink (MATLAB) for high-rise buildings to limit vibrations. Stringent control design requirements were met using negative acceleration feedback control. Its...

Hydraulic Lifting Mechanism Design

Hydraulic Lifting Mechanism Design Designed a power-driven hydraulic lifting mechanism for use in airports for the loading and unloading of luggage. The main function of the mechanism is to provide a stable platform with sufficient lift speed along with an adjustable...

Solenoid Engine – Design & Prototype

Solenoid Engine – Design & Prototype A two-stroke solenoid engine was designed using Solidworks and a working prototype was developed. An in-depth comparison of theoretical vs actual efficiency was performed and key factors of improvement were identified. View...